Here you can find all of our events for the 2023-2024 school year.
By adding these events to your own calendar you can set reminders for yourself so you don't miss any of these great events. Adding events is simple to do, just follow these simple instructions to get these events on your calendar iCal or Google Calendar.
NOTE: Events are listed in Eastern Time. If you are in Atlantic Time, when you add an event, the time will automatically convert to the proper time zone.
Just click on the one of these calendars and add the downloaded file to your ical.
Click the "+Google Calendar" icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the calendar.
When you are redirected to your calendar page, check the box by the type(s) of events you wish to copy (for example, Colleague Cohorts, Leadership Institutes, etc.)
Click "Add all."
PLEASE NOTE: These dates are subject to change. Please monitor emails from ACSIEC regarding changes to our professional development schedule, or refer to the below events calendar.