Date: APRIL 26, 2025

Time: 9:00am-12:35pm (zoom link opens at 8:45am)

Theme: Cultivating Resilience"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:18


Session 1A

All Ages

Employment Law Update for Christian Schools (2025 Edition)

There have been a number of recent developments in Ontario employment laws – both statutes and caselaw – including with respect to employment standards, health and safety, and caselaw. This seminar will help you understand the updates and their significance for your school.

Presenter: Adrian Miedema Partner, Dentons Canada LLP

Session 1B

All Ages

Understanding Individual Differences: Personality Style

Discover your personality style and understand the style of others for developing and enhancing relationships with coworkers, parents, and students. Growth in our understanding of ourselves, impacts our relationships which in turn improves communication, reduces conflict, and increases our ability to connect with others.


  • Participants will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their personality style and the style of others to move toward "appreciating".
  • Participants will apply their understanding of the different personality styles and their interactions to work through a scenario.
  • Participants will analyze the ways personality style affects communication.
Presenter: Dr. Cindy Barnum, ACSI Early Education Senior Coordinator, Eastern Division, U.S.A.

Session 1C

Elementary + Junior 

5 ways students can integrate AI into their assignments

A CEO with 4,500 employees recently said, “We stopped hiring a year ago because AI can already do all of the jobs.” How will schools prepare for this new AI-dominated job market? What jobs will even exist when your students graduate? If your schools’ mandate is to prepare students for the real world, a.k.a. “make a living”, are you doing that in this new AI world or are you teaching out-of-date methodologies?

Presenter:  Michael Clarke, CEO - Christian Ai Training

Session 1D

Infants/Toddlers + Preschool/Kindergarten + Elementary/Junior

Observation: How We Learn About Our Students

Spending time watching children play provides so much information about their interests, their strengths, and their fears. Let’s spend time exploring how to gather information, why it matters and what to do with our findings.


  • Participants will be able to enjoy watching children learn and choose a recording system for collecting this information.
  • Participants will be able to see patterns in interactions with other children and recognize early warning signs of potential learning struggles.
  • Participants will reflect on their observations and develop next steps to assist the growth of the children.
  • Participants will learn the importance of sharing the findings and the reflections with the child’s parents.

Presenter: Kim Brucker, Early Ed Senior Coordinator, ACSI (Retired)


Session 2A

Preschool/Kindergarten + Elementary/Junior

Unlocking Learning: Supporting Students with Auditory Memory Challenges

Explore how auditory memory dysfunctions can affect students’ attentiveness and learning in the classroom. From difficulty following multi-step instructions to retaining verbal content, these challenges can often be misunderstood or overlooked. Join Matthew Turton, Educational Therapist with over 20,000 hours working with children with learning challenges and dive into practical ways teachers can recognize the signs and discuss actionable strategies to support your students.

Presenter: Matthew Turton, Director, Breakthroughs in Learning

Session 2B

All Ages

Understanding Individual Differences: Motivational Gifts

Identify the innate gifts that motivate you and recognize those gifts in your students in order to encourage their expression. Learn how to create an environment in your classroom that makes everyone feel accepted and eager to share.


  • Participants will determine their motivational gifts.
  • Participants will examine the seven motivational gifts and how they operate.
  • Participants will analyze ways they can motivate each of their students according to their gifts.

Presenter:   Dr. Cindy Barnum, ACSI Early Education Senior Coordinator, Eastern Division, U.S.A.

Session 2C

All Ages 

5 ways teachers can use AI to do their important work faster, better, easier and cheaper

It’s 2025. Are you leveraging AI helping you with some of the heavy lifting? How can you leverage tech on a shoestring budget?

Presenter: Michael Clarke, CEO - Christian Ai Training

Session 2D

All Ages

Communicating Effectively with Parents and Fellow Staff

Everyday you have the daily challenge of ensuring an effective and positive / constructive communication between you, your fellow staff and all those parents and families that that attend your program or Centre. To communicate positively and respectfully it takes tact and patience and the ability to remain truly professional at all times. This webinar outlines solutions and tools for making sure that how we communicate, and handle situations will always serve the children’s best interests and that with exemplary inter-personal communication skills we will achieve the supportive and welcoming environment everyone needs and deserves.

Presenter: Michael Lewis, Motivation & Development, Michael Lewis Training


Session 3B

All Ages

One of These Days…

How often have you started a sentence with words like this? This snappy and informative presentation digs down deep and uncovers the mysteries of procrastination. We’ll examine all you need to know about procrastination, and I provide potent solutions and good advice to overcome this time wasting, unproductive, life stealing habit ! Remember, procrastinating a task squanders our valuable time and often makes things worse, but tacking procrastination, with a plan of action can be not only a productive and rewarding activity, but it can also be a truly empowering experience that can lift you up and inspire you to do more and be more.

Presenter: Michael Lewis, Motivation & Development, Michael Lewis Training

Session 3C

Preschool/Kindergarten + Elementary/Junior

Reading Disabilities: The Missing Link for Grades K through 4

The number one cause of reading difficulties often hides behind confusing symptoms and frequently continues into adulthood. It's difficult to detect, often misdiagnosed and many times the child doesn't even know there's a problem. Poor Eye Tracking leads to slow reading, skipping words, reversing letters, avoiding reading, poor coordination and more.  Come and discover with Matthew Turton, Director of Breakthroughs in Learning how to identify and improve eye tracking in your classroom.

Presenter: Matthew Turton, Director, Breakthroughs in Learning

Session 3D

Infants/Toddlers + Preschool/Kindergarten + Elementary/Junior

Teaching Young Children Self-Awareness

  • Participants will review how each person is created uniquely.
  • Participants will be able to identify their interests or how they learn.
  • Participants will acquire tools to use with children so they can learn to express their emotions.
  • Participants will learn how their feelings impact their actions.

Presenter: Kim Brucker, Early Ed Senior Coordinator, ACSI (Retired)


Adrian Miedema

Lawyer for Dentons Canada LLP

Session 1A
Employment Law: Updates for Christian Schools (2025 Edition) 

Adrian Miedema is a partner with the global law firm, Dentons Canada LLP, in Toronto. He has more than twenty years of experience practising employment, health and safety and human rights law. Adrian is recognized by Best Lawyers in Canada as one of Canada’s leading lawyers in the area of Labour and Employment Law, listed as “repeatedly recommended” in The Canadian Legal Expert Directory as one of Canada’s leading lawyers in the area of Occupational Health and Safety, and also listed in Legal 500. He advises and represents employers in a wide range of sectors and industries. Adrian is the co-author of three books on employment law topics and has been an adjunct professor of Employment Law at Western University.

Dr. Cindy Barnum

ACSI Early Education Senior Coordinator

Session 1B
Understanding Individual Differences: Personality Style

Session 2B
Understanding Individual Differences: Motivational Gifts
Dr. Cindy Barnum, ACSI Early Education Senior Coordinator in the Eastern Division, U.S.A., earned her Ed.D. in Christian Education Leadership from Regent University. She has served as a teacher, administrator, college professor, consultant, board member, missionary, and international speaker. She is honoured to serve early educators in their Kingdom call by providing resources, support, and encouragement from the wisdom and experiences the Lord has given her in over 30 years of Christian education. Cindy lives near Niagara Falls, New York with her husband, Kirk, who is also a Christian educator. They have four grown, married children and seven grandchildren. Cindy loves skiing, traveling,
family, and worship. Her favourite verse is Proverbs 3:5&6.

Michael Clarke

CEO - Christian Ai Training

Session 1C
5 ways students can integrate AI into their assignments

Session 2C
5 ways teachers can use AI to do their important work faster, better, easier and cheaper

Michael Clarke is a seasoned business growth consultant with over 25 years of experience. He holds an Executive MBA and a Project Management Professional (PMP) designation, underscoring his expertise in both business strategy and project management. In his first entrepreneurial venture, Michael founded a Christian products company that saw his products sold in over 15,000 stores in 60 countries worldwide. Michael signed contracts with the top 70 Christian music artists for their merchandise rights in Christian retail, including groups such as TobyMac, Casting Crowns, Third Day, and Skillet. In 2024, Michael recognized the transformative potential of this new wave of AI tools and launched His vision for the company is to empower Christians and Christian organizations by implementing innovative AI tools that streamline tasks and projects. Michael offers AI services to Christian businesses, camps, churches, charities, and schools. His focus includes workforce training, individual training, and AI implementation within these organizations. Michael is dedicated to helping thousands of Christian organizations achieve their goals by utilizing AI safely and effectively.

Kim Brucker

Kim Brucker, Early Ed Senior Coordinator, ACSI (Retired)

Session 1D
Observation: How We Learn About Our Students

Session 3D
Teaching Young Children Self-Awareness

After dedicating more than three decades to early education, including 6½ years of service at ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International), Kim Brucker has announced her retirement from her leadership role Senior Coordinator, Central Division. During her tenure at ACSI, Kim Brucker played a role in expanding early education support services. She helped develop new initiatives such as the Early Education Leader Connect and Leadership Networking Meetings. One aspect of Kim Brucker's work that she “loved” was “writing articles for the Early Education Newsletter.” These were produced in order to provide valuable guidance on integrating biblical truths into every aspect of kingdom education.

"It has been a privilege to serve Early Educators through encouragement, inspiration, and equipping them to serve God faithfully and obediently," She reflected. "My favorite part of serving early educators has been to pray with them and encourage them with a Gospel-centered vision."

While Kim was at ACSI, the early education division experienced significant growth, expanding its professional development offerings to include both in-person and virtual events. These initiatives have strengthened support for member schools and their leaders. Kim remains passionate about Kingdom Education and is prayerfully awaiting God's direction for the next chapter of her life. "I will miss working alongside so many Godly men and women as we have sharpened each other through our interactions," she shared.

Matthew Turton

Director, Breakthroughs in Learning

Session 2A
Unlocking Learning: Supporting Students with Auditory Memory Challenges

Session 3C
Reading Disabilities: The Missing Link for Grades K through 4
Matthew Turton is the Director of Breakthroughs in Learning. At 11 years old, while struggling to overcome his own learning disabilities, Matthew already knew what he wanted to do with his life – he wanted to help other people know they weren’t dumb. He became an Educational Therapist, an International Best Selling author, a husband and a father. Matthew has logged over 15,000 hours working with children and adults with learning disabilities and will share his experiences and what it’s like on both sides of learning disabilities.

Michael Lewis

Motivational Leader

Session 2D
Communicating Effectively with Parents and Fellow Staff

Session 3B
One of These Days...

Michael Lewis is one of Ontario’s most experienced speakers having spoken and presented around 6000 times in a career spanning just over four decades. Born, raised, and educated in London, Ontario with a BA from the University of Western Ontario in 1980, he is passionate about positivity and sharing common sense success strategies for personal and professional growth and development. His enthusiastic and ebullient presentation style has delighted, and inspired audiences and he speaks sincerely from the heart. He often says, “I love what I do and do what I love and if you love what you do, then life is a joyous experience!”. Since 1994, Michael has presented hundreds of seminars, workshops and team building sessions and now, webinars, to the childcare community all across Ontario. He loves inspiring excellence in educators and supervisors as they do such important work daily in educating, empowering, and fostering the hearts and minds of children. Before, during and through the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael has seen educators as the lamps that light the way ahead and it is a privilege and honour to provide solutions and motivation to a proud and important profession.