ACSIEC Mentorship Program

ACSIEC is instituting a mentorship program starting May 1, 2021 that is designed to provide another layer of support for leaders and teachers interested in connecting with a mentor. Mentoring is extremely important as it is another form of professional learning networking within a safe and like-minded community. Often times mentees include younger/new leaders, those less experienced, those looking to simply seek another opinion or viewpoint, and/or those running into challenges that are becoming difficult. Sometimes mentors are simply prayer partners as well!

The Objectives Of Our Program Include:

  • Empowerment, retention, and engagement
  • Development of future leaders growth and development
  • Development of professional relationships
  • Supporting a culture of continuous learning and growth mindset
  • Value added to professional practices

How To Get Involved:

  1. Reach out to Mollie at - she will then connect with you to collect information as to what you are looking for in a mentor relationship.
  2. ACSIEC will match you up with a mentor, introduce you, and then the process may begin. Consideration for matching will be based on teaching or leading areas, expectations, and outcome interests/goals.
  3. ACSIEC will work with all mentors to provide them with basic training resources and ongoing support as needed.

The Benefits To Mentees Include:

  • Increases confidence
  • Gain additional best-practise ideas and strategies
  • Enhance professional practise
  • Gain new contacts and networks

The Benefits To Mentors Include:

  • Become part of something bigger than one’s own school or practice
  • Opportunity to engage and encourage
  • Opportunity to develop active listening and leadership skills
  • Gain new contacts and networks

For more detailed information, please contact us.